
Innovative, powerful, proven approaches to business war games, strategy simulation, and strategic thinking

One-Trial Learning

One-Trial Learning By Mark Chussil I love data. I spent 15 years working with the PIMS (Profit Impact of Market Strategy) database alongside academic luminaries. (I was in the room but I was not in their league.) Many years later, I think it’s fun to run and analyze a few billion simulations before breakfast. I […]

But Not Simpler

Albert Einstein said, “Things should be as simple as possible, but not simpler.” So when it comes to business decision-making, what’s too simple, what’s not simple enough, and what’s just right? We’ll investigate with Groupon, social ROI, and a strategy simulation.

When I Was Wrong

This essay starts with a shocking pricing tournament and proceeds to the challenges faced by President-elect Obama and the titans of industry. All of us are human and so all of us will be wrong. What’s important is when we make our mistakes.